Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Chapter 10 : CRCB : Textbook Marking

What Is Textbook Marking?
Textbook marking is a systematic way of marking, highlighting, and labeling ideas to show how they are related to each other and which are most important.

Marking Important Information3 elements to mark: main ideas, major supporting details, and new vocabulary.

Steps in the Process of Textbook MarkingStep 1 : Previewidentify unfamiliar vocabulary words and look them up in dictionary. Then develop questions using the title and sub-headings and try to predict what the reading will be about.

Step 2 : Study-ReadIt is important to think about each section as you read so you can check your comprehension and mentally piece the whole chapter together. Make sure you understand each section before continuing to read.

Step 3 : Mark or Highlight TextYou should also circle the word clues that alerted you to the main idea and major supporting details and mark any new vocabulary words

Step 4 : Write Margin CuesMargin Cue is a symbol or notation you write in the margin of your text beside important information to indicate what you marked and why.
Symbol Textbook Information
def Vocabulary/Definitions
MI Main idea
ID Important detail
EX Examples
? Don't understand
* Important information
1,2,3 Steps, sequence, ordering
Con Conclusion
Opin Author's opinion

Margin cues can also be in the form of short margin notes, called annotations.
Annotation are shorthand messages - words, phrases, abbreviations- that alert you to particular areas of your textbook and briefly explain their importance.

Deciding What Else to MarkLectureYou can judge the importance of specific information by their use of word clues such as most important, in conclusion, and in summary. Most textbook information that is restated in a lecture.

LabLab assignments are usually practical applications of the lessons being taught in your lectures and textbook.

Unclear InformationOnce you have obtained clarification, write an explanation of the concept in your journal, class notebook, or at the bottom of the relevant textbook page.

Developing a Personal System of Textbook MarkingUsing Symbols
Using Highlighters

Knowing How much to MarkIt is the key to the strategy's effectiveness. All main ideas, major supporting details, vocabulary words, and word clues should be marked.

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